
The Women's Institute for a Secure Retirement (WISER) and the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College (CRR) meet our criteria for providing compelling and objective information on important retirement matters. Click the links to their sites and a selection of studies.

Women's Institute for A Secure Retirement

WISER is a nonprofit organization that works to help women, educators and policymakers understand the important issues surrounding women’s retirement income.

Center for Retirement Research Boston

Why Do Late Boomers Have So Little Wealth And How Will Early Gen Xers Fare?

Does Employer Concentration Reduce Labor Force Participation?

How Much Does Health Spending Eat Away at Retirement Income?

How to Think About Recent Trends in the Average Retirement Age?

Will the Jobs of the Future Support
an Older Workforce?

Will Unretirement Help Solve the Labor Shortage?

How Well Do Retirees Assess the Risks They Face in Retirement?

Legacy Debt in Public Pensions: A New Approach

Can We Predict Boomers' Drawdown Behavior From Earlier Cohorts?

Do Households Save More When the Kids Leave? Take Two

How to Increase Usage of Social Security's Online Tools

Greater Boston is home to one of the nation’s premier research centers focusing exclusively on retirement, the aptly named Center for Retirement Research at Boston College (CRR). At Kelly Financial Services, LLC, we are impressed with the center for its scrupulous research and timely insights into six main areas of focus: Social Security, state and local pensions, health and long-term care, financing retirement, and older workers. These topics are important to us because they are important to the very clients we serve. We also like their work because it is the most objective analysis of these retirement matters we can find. That alone is a rare commodity.

Alicia H. Munnell serves as the director of the CRR. She is also the Peter F. Drucker Professor of Management Sciences at Boston College’s Carroll School of Management. Her distinguished career includes both private and public sector experience.

Before joining Boston College in 1997, Munnell was a member of the President’s Council of Economic Advisers (1995-1997) and assistant secretary of the Treasury for economic policy (1993-1995). Previously, she spent 20 years at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston (1973-1993), where she became senior vice president and director of research in 1984. She has published many articles, authored numerous books, and edited several volumes on tax policy, Social Security, public and private pensions, and productivity.

Professor Munnell has also been a past guest on Kelly Financial’s Safe Money Strategies™ radio program.

Falling Short: The Coming Retirement Crisis and What to Do About It, a 2014 book co-authored by Munnell, is a concise guide for anyone concerned about their own — and the nation's — retirement security. A number of the compelling assessments and conclusions reached by its authors are often highlighted at Kelly Financial events to raise awareness about the challenges we face in retirement planning.

We encourage you to click on the link to the CRR website to learn more about its work and further your own retirement education.